All contributions should be submitted by web upload only as full papers (not only the abstract).
For the MS Word and LaTex templates (A4 format) provided by IEEE eXpress Conference Publishing please visit:
Maximum six pages A4 in double column format are allowed. Authors may upload longer manuscript up to a maximum of eight pages total. However, each page in excess of six will incur a charge of 50 Euros.
Before starting the submission
To submit a paper for the conference a Personal Identification Number (PIN) is needed for each author. To find your own or someone else's PIN, to retrieve your password (if you have a PIN but no password), or to register a new PIN (if you never obtained a PIN before) go to
How to submit your paper
In order to send your contribution (a regular paper or a paper dedicated to an invited session), go to
and select the link "Submit a contribution to ICSTCC 2022".
On this new page, click on the appropriate Submit link to submit either a Contributed Paper (regular paper) or an Invited Session Paper. This takes you to the corresponding submission form.
On this form you will be required to fill in the following data:
- Code: Only for Invited Session Papers.
- Paper title: Please use sentence case and ASCII characters only.
- Author PINs: It asks you for number of authors. Enter the right number and click on Go.
- Author PINs (contd.): Clicking on 'Go' creates the number of fields that has been specified. In each field enter a valid PIN for each co-author and click on the radio button next to the "corresponding author". Click on "Check" to verify that you entered the correct PIN or PINs.
- Keywords.: Select conference designated keywords for paper classification. Unless you select these keywords you will not be able to proceed.
- Click on "Go" next to "Keywords."
- Select up to three keywords from the given set.
- Click on the "Submit" link in the box with the keywords to save the keywords and to return to the main submission page.
- Abstract: Only if required by the conference.
- Commitment: Check the checkbox "I agree" to agree with conference policy.
Click on Next to go to the File Upload page .
On the File Upload page click on Browse button to locate the pdf file on your computer.
Please make sure that the filename and file-path is all ASCII. You may receive an error message otherwise. Click on the desired Pdf file. The file is uploaded as soon as it has been selected. You will see a progress report and a status report the upload has been completed.
Click on Finish to finalize the submission process.
All the authors of the paper will be notified by e-mail about the submission.
Only the corresponding author can Update Paper Title, Abstract, Author list, Re-upload or Withdraw the Paper, Submit the final version of the accepted paper.
To do so, he/she needs to Log in first.
By logging in, all authors can:
- view the details of their submission (any time)
- download previously uploaded files (any time)
- inspect and review the decision email you received and the reviews (after acceptance/rejection)
Detailed instructions about the submission process and management of authors’ accounts can be found here.