26th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing 26th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing 26th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing 26th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing

The corresponding author of each accepted paper should submit the final version through the PaperCept conference management system before September 9, 2022. The final form of the papers must comply with IEEE pdf requirements. Maximum eight pages A4 in double column format are allowed; however, each page in excess of six will incur a charge of 50 Euros.

Main steps for preparing and submitting the final version of an accepted paper:

  1. The final version must be prepared by using:

    MS Word or LaTex templates (A4 format) provided by IEEE eXpress Conference Publishing please visit:

    IMPORTANT:  Please remove “XXX-X-XXXX-XXXX-X/XX/$XX.00 ©20XX IEEE” from footer line (for MS Word template).
  2. Take into account the received reviews when preparing the final version of your paper.
  3. The final version must satisfy the similarity thresholds in order to be included in conference proceedings. The similarity score of the final version should result under 30% and the highest matching with a single source less than 10%.
    • A similarity report is available for each submitted paper:
      • Log in on https://controls.papercept.net/conferences/scripts/start.pl and select “Enter” as “Author or proposer of submission …” for ICSTCC 2022.
      • In your author workspace, move your mouse pointer over “Choose an option” to open a menu with several useful options.
      • Select the link “Inspect reviews and decision letter”.
      • In the iThenticate Scan Results table, go to “iThenticate scan report” and select the link View the report. It will open the report in a new window or tab. You may need to turn off the pop-off blocker of your browser.
      • Several pages from the iThenticate User Manual with instructions on how to read and interpret the report can be downloaded here.
  4. Verify your paper on IEEE PDF eXpress, by using the Conference ID 55426X:
    • Convert your file to pdf. The file can be also converted on IEEE PDF eXpress site, but it takes a lot of time. Free pdf convertors can be used, as: CutePDFWriterPDFCreator.
    • Note: When you convert / export your file to PDF, make sure that you have the PDF/A Compliant option checked. This has the effect of embedding all components (fonts, colors, text, images, etc.).
    • Access the IEEE PDF eXpress site: https://ieee-pdf-express.org/ 
      • First-time users (without an account on IEEE PDF eXpress site):
        • Select the “New Users – Click Here” link.
        • Enter the Conference ID 55426X, your email address and choose a password.
        • Continue to enter information as prompted.
      • Previous users who are using the site for the first time for this conference:
        • Enter the Conference ID 55426X, your email address and password.
        • When you click “Login”, you will receive an error saying you need to set up an account. Simply click “Continue”. By entering your previously used email address and password combination, you will enable your old account for this conference.
      • Returning users with an account for ICSTCC 2022:
        • Enter the Conference ID 55426X, your email address and password.
    • For each conference paper, click on the left menu ”Dashboard” and next click on “Create New Title”.
    • Enter identifying text for the paper (title is recommended but not required).
    • Click  ”Drag and drop or Browse files to upload”.
    • Browse for your file and click “Upload” your file. You will receive an email confirming the successful upload. Click “Continue” to view the current status of the uploaded file.
    • You will receive an email with your Checked PDF or IEEE PDF eXpress-converted PDF attached. If you submitted a PDF for Checking, the email will show if your file passed or failed.
    • If the PDF fails, a PDF Check report is attached to the email.  
      • The author goes to the account and clicks "Understanding the PDF Check Report" for solutions.
      • Correct the errors; information on possible solutions can be found by using the link “get solutions” from your IEEE PDF eXpress page.
      • Resubmit the PDF by clicking “Try again” on your IEEE PDF eXpress page.
      • Repeat the above procedure until all errors are solved.
    • If no error is detected, download the attachment of the passed email from IEEE PDF eXpress Site Services. This is the final version of your paper that you have to upload to the PaperCept system. It is mandatory to not make any changes on the file built by IEEE PDF eXpress.

    More detailed instructions on PDF eXpress checking can be found at https://ieee-pdf-express.org/External/UsingIEEEPDFeXpress 

  5. Upload the final version to PaperCept and sign the Electronic IEEE Copyright Transfer Form:
    • Log in on https://controls.papercept.net/conferences/scripts/start.pl and select “Enter” as “Author or proposer of submission …” for ICSTCC 2022.
    • Verify the file returned by IEEE PDF eXpress on PaperCept, by using the link “Pdf Test”.
    • Select the link “Submit the final version” for the paper ID you want to upload.
    • In the Final Submission page, select the link “Transfer copyright”, make sure that the title of the paper and the authors are correct, then click “Next”.
      • You will be redirected to the IEEE Publication Agreement page. Follow the required steps to electronically transfer the IEEE copyright. In Step 4 (Complete the publication agreement), make sure you scroll down and enter your name in the designated space. In Step 5 you can download the copyright form, if desired. Then click “Done” to return to PaperCept site, then select the link “Cancel the page”.
    • In the Final Submission page, select the link “Update the final version information”.
      • If necessary, update the list of authors, the title of the paper and the abstract. Please make sure that all the authors of the paper are correctly indicated. Click “Next” and then “Finish”.
    • In the Final Submission page, select the link “Upload or re-upload” and upload the error-free pdf file returned by IEEE PDF eXpress.
  6. Register and pay the conference fee:
    • For each accepted paper, at least one registration and fee payment has to be made until September 9, 2022.
    • Visit the Registration page for detailed information.